Street Style in 2017 vs. 2023

Fashion is ever-evolving, and the street style trends of 2017 and 2023 are no exception. In this article, we’ll delve into the differences and similarities between these two years, exploring the trends, styles, and influencers that defined them. From athleisure to gender-neutral fashion, we’ll examine the shift in street style and what it says about our culture.

2017: The Year of Athleisure

2017 was the year of athleisure, a trend that dominated street style for the entire year. The rise of yoga pants, sports bras, and sneakers as everyday wear was a significant departure from the skinnier, more formal styles of years past. The influence of social media and the desire for comfort drove this trend, with celebrities like Kanye West and Kim Kardashian West sporting athleisure looks on the regular.

The athleisure trend was further fueled by the rise of luxury athletic wear brands like Lululemon and Nike. These brands offered high-quality, stylish workout clothes that were both comfortable and fashionable. As a result, athleisure became a staple in many people’s wardrobes, with many incorporating it into their daily style, whether they were going to the gym or just running errands.

2023: The Year of Gender-Neutral Fashion

Fast forward to 2023, and we see a significant shift in street style trends. Gender-neutral fashion has become increasingly popular, with many designers blurring the lines between traditional men’s and women’s clothing. This trend has been driven by a growing awareness of gender fluidity and a desire for inclusivity in fashion.

The rise of gender-neutral fashion has been influenced by several factors, including the increasing visibility of gender-nonconforming individuals and the growing acceptance of non-binary identities. As a result, we’re seeing a greater mix of masculine and feminine styles on the streets, with many people incorporating elements of both into their wardrobes.

One of the most significant differences between 2017 and 2023 is the way gender-neutral fashion has become mainstream. In 2017, gender-neutral fashion was still a niche trend, but in 2023, it’s become a dominant force in street style. Brands like Chromat and The Phluid Project are leading the way, offering gender-neutral clothing that’s both stylish and affordable.

Influencers: The Tastemakers of Fashion

Another significant difference between 2017 and 2023 is the role of influencers in shaping fashion trends. In 2017, influencers were still a relatively new phenomenon, but by 2023, they’d become a powerful force in the fashion industry.

Influencers have played a significant role in promoting both athleisure and gender-neutral fashion. In 2017, influencers like Kylie Jenner and Bella Hadid popularized athleisure wear, showcasing their love for yoga pants and sports bras on Instagram. In 2023, influencers like Nonbinary Nico and Fatima Touré have helped promote gender-neutral fashion, sharing their personal styles and encouraging their followers to embrace gender fluidity.

The Role of Social Media

Social media has played a significant role in shaping street style trends in both 2017 and 2023. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter have given people a platform to showcase their personal styles and share their fashion faves.

In 2017, social media was just beginning to take off, and influencers were still figuring out how to use it to promote their personal brands. By 2023, social media had become an essential tool for fashion brands and influencers alike, with many using it to promote their products and styles.

Street Style Today:

In 2023, street style has evolved to include a wide range of styles, from gender-neutral fashion to sustainable fashion. The rise of social media has made it easier for people to showcase their personal styles and share their fashion faves with the world.

One of the most significant trends in street style today is the focus on sustainability. With the growing awareness of the environmental impact of fast fashion, many people are turning to sustainable fashion brands that prioritize ethical production practices and eco-friendly materials.

Another trend in street style today is the embrace of individuality. Gone are the days of cookie-cutter styles; instead, people are embracing their unique personalities and expressing themselves through their fashion choices. This has led to a diverse range of styles, from bold and colorful outfits to minimalist and monochromatic looks.


In conclusion, street style has come a long way since 2017, with a focus on sustainability, individuality, and technology. The fashion industry has been shaped by emerging trends and technologies, from athleisure to gender-neutral fashion, and from social media to artificial intelligence. As we look to the future, it is clear that sustainability and technology will continue to play a significant role in shaping the fashion industry. Whether you’re a fashion brand, an influencer, or a consumer, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in order to stay ahead of the game.

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